Tuesday, 14 December 2010

# 4 Sad

Hello Daddy,
Its been a long day today, and nothing I do makes Mummy smile, she did'nt sleep well last night and I think she's been crying and she is very very sad. I do remember when I was a little puppy that Mummy and every one was very upset around this time, so I do think I know whats wrong, but its ok I'm looking after her. I keep nudging her with my nose and wagging my tail, I've even gone as far as laying my head on her knee!, she thinks I'm looking for attention but I'm not I'm just trying to show her I care, but I'm not doing very well. I promise to cuddle her tonight when we go to bed, but that does mean I have to sleep on your pillow! Oh lucky me!!!

We went for a long walk this morning, it was cold and crisp, with white ice on the trees and grass but very pretty, it was only me and Mummy in the park, she did bring a bag of stale bread for the birds, I don't think the Council road cleaners were to impressed when she started throwing crumbs everywhere and it was like a scene from that Hitchcock film! they came swooping down from the skies like spitfires! we had to duck!!  I actually expected her to start singing " feed the birds tuppance a bag"! all she needs is a brolly and a straw hat and she's Mary poppins!.

Its Brooke's birthday tomorrow so Mummy has been wrapping her birthday presents, she's my new friend and plays with me when she visits, she is fun and says the most silly things, she's only 4 but she talks like a 40 year old, she loves to shout instructions at me like "sit" and "stay", I just ignore her, ha ha, just my bit of fun.
The Christmas lights are on and the house looks very pretty, I think the term is Festive, whatever the word is, it really does look really sparkly and pretty, so remember Daddy to say it looks "festive".
The house is ready the shoppings done, all the presents are wrapped and were ready for Santa, and wether you believe me or not, I have been a very good girl! I did send a letter to Santa asking for one of those pink fur dog coats with a very sparkly collar ( not real diamonds) I would'nt exspect you to stretch to that, and a very big butchers bone, thats all I ask, well actually Daddy I really do think I deserve it, just remember I'm the one stuck with Mummy 24/7 while your away!.

Well Daddy, your home in 4 days, Mummy has gone and got you some drink, I don't know what its called but its a clear liquid and you drink it with coke, you know ! the one that makes you sing and dance in the kitchen!! oh happy days!!.
 I hope your all packed and ready for your journey, make sure your all wrapped up and careful on the roads, the weather reports say that the cold snap is back on its way, so watch the driving.
Its time for me to say night night now, Mummy will be down from her shower, so i must go, will write again in a day or so.

We love you Daddy, and don't worry about us, were ok and I promise to take care of Mummy.


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